Influence of temperature on the dynamics of formation of granic sleeps and connected elevation dynamics in sliding conditions


  • N. Dmytrichenko National Transport University
  • A. Savchuk National Transport University
  • Y. Turytsia National Transport University
  • A. Milanenko National Transport University
  • M. Kosenko National Transport University



lubricating layer, wear, oil, temperature, adsorption layer, viscosity, friction coefficient


The running-in process is accompanied by a change in microgeometry, as a result of which some constant roughness is established, which is characteristic of given friction conditions, and the physical and mechanical properties of the surface layers also change, since plastic deformations usually predominate in the contact.

The thickness of the surface layers that have undergone changes during external friction depends on the stress state in the zones of their actual contact and heating during friction. The stress state in the zone of actual contact of the bodies is characterized by indentation or crushing of surface microroughnesses, as well as by elastic or plastic states of the latter. Surface heating during friction depends on the thermophysical properties of the contacting bodies and the friction mode. An increase in the temperature of the surface layers causes not only their softening, but also greatly increases the rate of physical and chemical processes in them. This leads to saturation of the surface layers with environmental gas molecules, oxidizing slicks, and also to an increase in the concentration of defects in these layers


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How to Cite

Dmytrichenko, N., Savchuk, A., Turytsia, Y., Milanenko, A., & Kosenko, M. (2022). Influence of temperature on the dynamics of formation of granic sleeps and connected elevation dynamics in sliding conditions. Problems of Tribology, 27(3/105), 76–81.


