Computational studies of stuffing box packing seal wear mechanism using the Archard model


  • Y.I. Sapozhnykov Sumy State University, Ukraine
  • A.V. Zahorulko Sumy State University, Ukraine



wear, Archard model, stuffing-box packing seal, contact pressure distribution, material volume loss


The wear model of the stuffing box packing seal, particularly the surface of the protective sleeve of the shaft, is presented. Modeling was performed using the ANSYS software, using the Transient Structural module which have the built-in Archard wear model. The wear model was validated in accordance with the results of previous experimental studies considering the effect of applied pressure. It was determined that when the degree indicators in the Archard equations are m = 1.5 and n = 1.3, the proposed wear model allows obtaining sufficiently accurate wear intensity values. The values of relative wear for different materials of protective sleeves are compared. Graphs of the contact pressure distribution along the width of the friction pair at different values of the applied pressure and linear rotation shaft velocities are given. The results of the shaft surface shape change due to the loss of material were obtained. The resulting change in shape is considered idealized, since this study does not consider the presence of abrasive inclusions in the medium, uneven pressure distribution on the packing gland, temperature changes, etc. However, this study can be useful in predicting the wear of the main components of the stuffing box packing seal


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How to Cite

Sapozhnykov, Y., & Zahorulko, A. (2024). Computational studies of stuffing box packing seal wear mechanism using the Archard model. Problems of Tribology, 29(2/112), 6–15.


