Analysis of the directions of improving regular micro reliefs


  • V.O. Dzyura Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University , Ukraine
  • R.O. Bytsa Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University , Ukraine



regular micro reliefs, operational properties, geometric parameters, surface engineering, periodic functions, friction pair


The article analyzes the features of planar regular microreliefs with the shape of grooves, the axis of which lies in a plane that is parallel or coincident with the surface on which the microrelief is formed and can be described by a periodic function. It was established that the main parameter that determines the operational properties of a surface with regular microreliefs is the relative area of the microrelief. The hypothesis is put forward that the geometric shape of the grooves of the microrelief practically does not affect the operational properties of the surface. Microreliefs of groove axes that a periodic function can describe are technologically imperfect because when forming the tops of microrelief grooves, the tool must make stops to change the trajectory of movement. The complex geometry of microrelief grooves reduces the productivity of their formation, and the complexity of ensuring regularity ensures the surface's heterogeneous physical and mechanical properties. Directions for improving the forms of microreliefs are proposed, which will ensure an increase in the productivity of their formation and provide an opportunity to control the operational properties of the surface


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How to Cite

Dzyura, V., & Bytsa, R. (2024). Analysis of the directions of improving regular micro reliefs . Problems of Tribology, 29(3/113), 6–14.


