Dykha O.V., Sorokatyi R.V. A computer design of the contact loadings is in the bearing knot of turbo - compressor


  • О.В. Диха
  • Р.В. Сорокатий


The resulted results of computer design of contact tensions and deformations of billow of turbo-compressor are for the estimation of his wearproofness. The set possibility of estimation of influence of features of construction of bearing knot and his terms of work is on motion of processes of wear.


1. Sorokatyi R.V., Dykha M.A., Kovalchuk S.S. Analiz sovremennogo sostojanija i perspektivy razvitija SAE-sistem dlja tri-botehniki, Problemi tribologії (Problems of Tribology), 2010. No 4, PP. 85-90.
2. Galerkin Ju.B., Kozachenko L. I. Turbokompressory, Ucheb. posobie, SPb. Izd-vo Politehn. un-ta, 2008. 374 p.



How to Cite

Диха, О., & Сорокатий, Р. (2014). Dykha O.V., Sorokatyi R.V. A computer design of the contact loadings is in the bearing knot of turbo - compressor. Problems of Tribology, 72(2), 95–98. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/116




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