Dykha O.V., Velboy V.P., Gedzuk T.V. Results of wear tests of of the conical standards from Steel 45 in motor oil


  • О.В. Диха
  • В.П. Вельбой
  • Т.В. Гедзюк


Presented the results of tribo tests on the wear of conical standards from hard-tempered steel on the geometrical chart of tests a «cone - three balls» with lubrication. The set influence of speed of sliding and contact pressure is on intensity of wear. By mathematical two factor model of wear and got as a result of tests of its parameters the built dependences of intensity wear from determinatives.


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How to Cite

Диха, О., Вельбой, В., & Гедзюк, Т. (2014). Dykha O.V., Velboy V.P., Gedzuk T.V. Results of wear tests of of the conical standards from Steel 45 in motor oil. Problems of Tribology, 72(2), 111–116. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/120


