Oleksandrenko V.P., Kyrylkov V.A., Parshenko K.A., Mysliborskiy V.V. Effect of capacity of steel X12 relaxa-tion microstresses on wear resistance and durability under rolling friction.


  • В.П. Олександренко
  • В.А. Кирилков
  • К.А. Паршенко
  • В.В. Мисліборський


The results of research on the impact the number of saturated and unsaturated nitrogen retained austenite on the ability of the material to relax microstresses. We prove that the maximum durability and wear resistance of steel samples X12 corresponds to the maximum change in the rheological properties of the material, that is exhausting internal reserves. The optimum value of the initial amount of retained austenite to maximize performance rheological characteristics of the material and the contact endurance in wear on the action of cyclic loads to the appearance of chipping on the track bearing structures for unsaturated and saturated nitrogen retained austenite is 30 percent by volume.


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How to Cite

Олександренко, В., Кирилков, В., Паршенко, К., & Мисліборський, В. (2014). Oleksandrenko V.P., Kyrylkov V.A., Parshenko K.A., Mysliborskiy V.V. Effect of capacity of steel X12 relaxa-tion microstresses on wear resistance and durability under rolling friction. Problems of Tribology, 72(2), 117–123. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/121


