Research of influence of technological parameters of process of strengthening of metals by method of carbonitriding in smouldering digit on wearproofness


  • В.Г. Каплун
  • К.А. Паршенко
  • А.В. Паршенко


The results of investigations of the influence of technological parameters of the process of strengthening metals by carbonitration in a glow discharge on the wear resistance are given. It is proved that the basic parameters of the process in a glow discharge carbonitration significantly affect the thickness of the nitrided layer and the microhardness of the samples. The optimal mode carbonitration in a glow discharge for maximum wear resistance of steels investigated


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How to Cite

Каплун, В., Паршенко, К., & Паршенко, А. (2014). Research of influence of technological parameters of process of strengthening of metals by method of carbonitriding in smouldering digit on wearproofness. Problems of Tribology, 65(3), 117–122. Retrieved from




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