The influence of termination of the getting on contact extent steel x12 at termination
сontact endurance, hardening, residual austenite, hardnessAbstract
The results of experimental studies of the influence of the tempering temperature of X12 steel on its hardness, the content of residual austenite in the structure of the material, and the contact durability of the rolling gravity in the lubricant and-20. It is shown that as the temperature of the quenching of steel increases, the amount of residual austenite increases in the structure of the material, which increases with a tempering temperature and reaches 90% at a temperature of 1120 ° C. This leads, accordingly, to a decrease in the microhardness of the material from H100 = 8520 to 5280 MPa. Installed non-linear dependence between the content of residual austenite in the steel and its contact endurance when rolling friction. It is shown that in the process of rolling a portion of the residual austenite is transformed into martensite under the action of plastic deformation. Resulting in increase of surface hardness and durability of steel. The influence of the martensitic transformation to increase the hardness and durability in the rolling friction can be estimated using the ratio of the completeness of the martensitic transformation Km, which for X12 steel after quenching is in the range of 0.28 – 0.3 mm. In the process of martensitic transformation there is a partial absorption of deformation energy, which, together with the increase of the hardness of the deformed layer, helps to increase the durability of steel. The optimal value of retained austenite content of 30% in the structure of X12 steel at which the maximum contact her endurance
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