Kindrachuk M.V., Mishchuk O.A., Khlevna Yu.L., Danilov A.P. Peculiar state of surface layers of the branch-steel pair contact friction zone.


  • М.В. Кіндрачук
  • О.О. Міщук
  • Ю.Л. Хлевна
  • А.П. Данілов


By the methods of Auger electron spectroscopy and nanoscopic surface layer ion etching, scanner electron and optical microscopy, the conjugate micro-regions of the friction surfaces of the bronze-steel pair were archived. New data about the creation mechanism and properties of surface “served film” on the bronze were found. The elemental density and surface thin-layer structure of friction contact zone were analyzed. The high dense elemental state of the “served film” in the branch pre-surface layer was evinced.


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How to Cite

Кіндрачук, М., Міщук, О., Хлевна, Ю., & Данілов, А. (2014). Kindrachuk M.V., Mishchuk O.A., Khlevna Yu.L., Danilov A.P. Peculiar state of surface layers of the branch-steel pair contact friction zone. Problems of Tribology, 70(4), 72–81. Retrieved from




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