The role adhesion of components, localization of stresses and deformations is in consolidation of gradient galvanic powder - like coverages and their capacity at critical terms of triboloadings.


  • М.В. Лучка
  • О.В. Дерев’янко
  • М.В. Кіндрачук
  • А.О. Корнієнко
  • В.Я. Лобурак


The influences of the components adhesion and the stresses and strains localization on durability under critical lading conditions for sintered gradient galvanic powder coatings are determined. It was established that the coating characteristics depend on surface preparation, electrolyte concentration, current density and time of processing. The optimum coating layer thickness (120 - 150 μm) is obtained with current density 2,5 - 3 kA/m2. The conditions of electrical discharge sintered diamond clad powder composite materials are investigated. It is shown that the current density and heating rate are main factors. The composite materials optimum properties are achieved by the action of a current density 8,28  106 А/m2 and sintering process general time that does not exceed 120 sec. The obtained properties of composites allow the using of cutting elements with developed composite materials for processing granite and marble. By the way the durability of sintered diamond clad powder composite materials is higher than the performance of material made of a mixture of cobalt and diamond powders. It is created the new technology of non-conductive abrasive tools cutting elements consolidation by a mechanical activation in medium of previously prepared in a planetary mill amorphized mixtures and the technology of gradient galvanic powder strengthening by an electro chemical cladding of mechanical activated cutting elements and additional sintering under electric current action.


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How to Cite

Лучка, М., Дерев’янко, О., Кіндрачук, М., Корнієнко, А., & Лобурак, В. (2014). The role adhesion of components, localization of stresses and deformations is in consolidation of gradient galvanic powder - like coverages and their capacity at critical terms of triboloadings. Problems of Tribology, 71(1), 53–60. Retrieved from




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