Vojtov V.A., Tsymbal B.M. A study of microhardness, roughness and wear processes on the working surfaces of tribosystems friction of extruder EB-350 and EB-350M.


  • В.А. Войтов
  • Б.М. Цимбал


The article presents the results of the study of microhardness, roughness and wear processes on the working surfaces of friction of model tribosystems of extruder EB-350 and EB-350 M. It was determined that using raw materials with a slightly alkaline environment of pH 8, the roughness of the working surface of friction is less than the surface roughness with a slightly acid pH 5 and strongly alkaline environment pH 11. It is determined that there is a complex process of corrosive and abrasive wear. Keywords: tribosystem, roughness, microhardness, friction coefficient, environment, corrosion, pit, surface friction.


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How to Cite

Войтов, В., & Цимбал, Б. (2016). Vojtov V.A., Tsymbal B.M. A study of microhardness, roughness and wear processes on the working surfaces of tribosystems friction of extruder EB-350 and EB-350M. Problems of Tribology, 81(3), 32. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/21




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