Modeling of processes of friction and wear in tribosystems in the conditions boundary lubrication. Part 3. The quality factor of tribosystem


  • В.А. Войтов
  • М.Б. Захарченко


A mathematical model for calculating the wear rate and friction coefficient tribosystems operating under boundary lubri-cation, which allows you to define resource and mechanical friction losses projected tribosystems without prior experiment was de-veloped. The model takes into account the property of the material compatibility in tribosystem which received definition as Q-factor tribosystem. The results of modeling the wear rate and friction coefficient of various designs tribosystems with the assessment of the adequacy and modeling errors are shown.


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How to Cite

Войтов, В., & Захарченко, М. (2016). Modeling of processes of friction and wear in tribosystems in the conditions boundary lubrication. Part 3. The quality factor of tribosystem. Problems of Tribology, 77(3), 45–53. Retrieved from




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