Influence of composition and structure of silicon carbide composites on wear resistance and their wear mechanisms during friction together with a ceramic counterbody


  • А.П. Уманский
  • А.Г. Довгаль
  • А.Д. Костенко


Influencing of composition of silicon carbide ceramics with additives of aluminium and zirconium oxides on a structure and tribotechnical descriptions has been investigated. Researches have been performed in the conditions of friction without lubricating materials in an air environment together with a ceramic counterbody. Influence of ceramic materials composition, structure and modes of tests on the wear mechanisms of silicon carbide composition materials has been determined.


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How to Cite

Уманский, А., Довгаль, А., & Костенко, А. (2014). Influence of composition and structure of silicon carbide composites on wear resistance and their wear mechanisms during friction together with a ceramic counterbody. Problems of Tribology, 61(3), 81–88. Retrieved from




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