Influence estimation of conic evolvent transmissions parameters on their longevity and wear. P. 1. Transmissions with direct teeth


  • М.В. Чернець
  • В.В. Береза
  • Ю.М. Чернець


After the authors’ method the influence of restriction module and transmissions relation of gearing on maximal hertz contact pressures value, longevity and wear of wheel teeth, speed of sliding has been investigated. The regularities of this influence have been revealed. The results of research to apply visual methods have been presented graphically.


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How to Cite

Чернець, М., Береза, В., & Чернець, Ю. (2014). Influence estimation of conic evolvent transmissions parameters on their longevity and wear. P. 1. Transmissions with direct teeth. Problems of Tribology, 59(1), 12–18. Retrieved from




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