Reverse wear contact task for the cylindrical sending sliding
The presented results of decision of reverse wear contact task are for the cylinder sending of sliding. Experimental and calculation dependences of determination of contact parameters are offered for the internal contact of cylinders of near radiuses. Calculation dependences are got for the coefficients of wearproofness with the use of approximating analogues of nonlinear functions. The examples of practical realization of the methods developed in-process are resulted.References
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2. Diha O.V., Velboy V.P. Teorіya ta eksperiment metodu tribologіchnih viprobuvan' za shemoyu «tsilіndr-kulya». Problemi tribologії (Problems of Tribology). 2012. No 2, PP. 135-138.
3. Dykha O.V., Gedzuk T.V. Rated and experimental modeling of tribological properties of construc-tional and lubri-cating materials. Problemi tribologії (Problems of Tribology). 2014. No 1, PP. 84 – 87.
4. Dykha O.V.,Velboy V.P., Gedzuk T.V. Rezultati viprobuvan na znos konіchnih zrazkіv zі stalі 45 v motornіy olivі. Problemi tribologії (Problems of Tribology). 2014. No 2. PP. 111-116.
How to Cite
Диха, О., Посонський, С., & Бабак, О. (2015). Reverse wear contact task for the cylindrical sending sliding. Problems of Tribology, 74(4), 65–72. Retrieved from