Preserving the Friction Units Mechanical Systems Aircraft Defendant


  • А.В. Горошко
  • В.П. Ройзман


The method of construction of hybrid statistically deterministic models of multi objects. The method is based hy-brid model is determined statistically the odds-ming power of the output RF signal of the aircraft under the influence of the defendant primary factors of mechanical nature. Posed and solved the inverse problem of parametric synthesis of tolerances for primary factors of the model construction. The lack of solutions means that existing constructions, of aircraft can not be respondent to ensure its operability. The reason is the wiping-out of the surface of the silver layer during the operation of the mechanical resonator assembly friction. Optionally-sary to perform TU tolerances surface finish and dimensions of the cavity can not be you-hold in the company. It is proposed to change the design to eliminate the influence of negative facts-tors and built hybrid statistically deterministic model for the new contactless-struction intercept aircraft defendant. Posed and solved the inverse problem of parametric synthesis admits Cove on the primary factors of the new design and identify areas of effi-ciency of aircraft defendant as tolerance parameters that are acceptable to the manufacturer, compliance with which ensures that the TU.


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How to Cite

Горошко, А., & Ройзман, В. (2016). Preserving the Friction Units Mechanical Systems Aircraft Defendant. Problems of Tribology, 78(4), 54–63. Retrieved from




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