Creating a wear-resistant composite coating powder-based self-fluxing alloys electrocontact sintering


  • Л.А. Лопата
  • В.Я. Николайчук
  • В.Н. Барановский
  • С.Л. Чиграй


The main directions of improving the quality and properties of the coatings from powders SPS by changing the composition of the powder or SPS technology of its application. It is proposed to obtain high-strength wear-resistant compos-ite coating powder based self-fluxing alloys and high-performance low-power electric-sintering method (EPC). The basic steps for creating coatings electrocontact sintering powders (EKPP) self-fluxing alloys (SPS). To evaluate the effectiveness of the SPS EKPP we studied: the properties of the complex system of "base-coat" (adhesive and cohesive strength, elastic properties); structural features of the resulting coatings, diffusion interaction zone (DMZ) and the heat affected zone (HAZ); physico-mechanical properties (porosity coatings, microhardness, wear resistance) the resulting coatings. It is shown that the electric contact co-firing process allows to obtain a coating of powder of SPS with the adhesive strength of 180 - 200 MPa, a porosity of not more than 5 %, durability in 2,3 - 3,18 times higher than 45 steel hardened to a hardness of 46-48 HRC3 . Introduction of the coating of the granular powders SPS carbon ferrochrome and impulse-force effect of tempera-ture during formation of the coating increases the dispersion of solid particles, increases the microhardness and hence the wear resistance of coatings, which allows to increase the lifetime of coated parts. The properties of the coatings of the SPS received EPC defined process parameters: current strength, pressure, time and the existing momentum of the current pause between pulses. As a result of studies on the effect on the properties of the coatings obtained by the TP control characteristic of the production of coatings from powders SPS EPC. On the basis of theoretical and experimental researches technology of creation of wear proof высокопрочных composition coverages is worked out on the basis of powders of СФС by the method of ЭКП. The worked out technology of receipt of coverages from powders of СФС ЭКП predetermines the decline of cost of making and renewal of details of agricultural technique due to substituting of more expensive alloy steel by steel of steel 45 with coverages from powders of СФС and increase of resource of details in 3-5 times.


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How to Cite

Лопата, Л., Николайчук, В., Барановский, В., & Чиграй, С. (2016). Creating a wear-resistant composite coating powder-based self-fluxing alloys electrocontact sintering. Problems of Tribology, 78(4), 92–98. Retrieved from




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