Solovykh Y., Volkov Yu., Vorona Т., Nikolaychuk V., Lopata L., Dudan A. Determining the optimal timang of the electrocontact sintering diskrete coating


  • Е.К. Соловых
  • Ю.В. Волков
  • Т.В. Ворона
  • Л.А. Лопата
  • В.Я. Николайчук
  • А.В. Дудан


On the basis of experimental studies and using mathematical modeling comprehensive assessment of the impact of major technological parameters (pressure, current, speed of sintering) of the electrocontact sinter-ing process of powders on physical and mechanical properties of the coatings (adhesion strength and durability) is given. Multivariate experiment with a certain variation of these parameters allowed us to estimate the impact of each of them on the properties of the coatings and to identify the effects of the interaction. It is concluded that in order to improve the physical and mechanical properties of the resulting coatings is advisable to use all three complex technological parameters of the process. Keywords: diskrete coating, electrocontact sintering, optimization, durability, porosity, technological parameters


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How to Cite

Соловых, Е., Волков, Ю., Ворона, Т., Лопата, Л., Николайчук, В., & Дудан, А. (2017). Solovykh Y., Volkov Yu., Vorona Т., Nikolaychuk V., Lopata L., Dudan A. Determining the optimal timang of the electrocontact sintering diskrete coating. Problems of Tribology, 83(1), 79–89. Retrieved from




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