The dependence of the efficiency of their frictional transmission circuit


  • М.П. Довбня
  • Л.М. Бондаренко
  • Д.В. Бобирь
  • Р.О. Коренюк


Friction transmission used to transfer directly touch movement between parallel shafts or axes that intersect. The dependences allow to receive analytical efficiency friction gear. Efficiency friction gears and variable speed drive increases with the value of the pre-permissible contact stresses and their increase in 2 times (from 800 to 1600 MPa) increases the effi-ciency and torus-shaped variable speed drive does not depend on tilting drive, for example, changing the angle 20° to zero ef-ficiency increases. Keywords: friction transmission efficiency, construction diagram, the coefficient of grip, rolling resistance movement.


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How to Cite

Довбня, М., Бондаренко, Л., Бобирь, Д., & Коренюк, Р. (2016). The dependence of the efficiency of their frictional transmission circuit. Problems of Tribology, 78(4), 115–123. Retrieved from


