Dependence of the power drive of the mechanism moves from the position of the truck


  • Л.М. Бондаренко
  • М.П. Довбня
  • Д.В. Бобирь


Using the analytical dependence for determination of the coefficient of rolling friction, depending on the size of half width of the contact between wheel and rail, to find an analytical dependence of the static and dynamic resistance movement of the overhead crane on straight sections of the path from the position of truck in the span. The proposed method of determining the engine power mechanisms of movement overhead cranes involves the use of the classical theory of Hertz contact deformation by definition and analysis, depending on the definition of Tabor roll-ing friction coefficient. Engine power, the inventive method is (for this example) is approximately 20 % higher than the exist-ing formulas. When a truck with a load located in the middle of the span of their engine power is equal to the total value un-der other provisions of the truck, so the drive power can be determined at the position of truck in the middle of the span.


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How to Cite

Бондаренко, Л., Довбня, М., & Бобирь, Д. (2016). Dependence of the power drive of the mechanism moves from the position of the truck. Problems of Tribology, 78(4), 124–127. Retrieved from


