Modeling of wear process of the lubricated tribosystems with copper additive.


  • О.В. Диха
  • Т.В. Гедзюк
  • Н.М. Стебелецька


Presents the results of theoretical and experimental modeling of the influence of the concentration of copper VME additive to engine oil on the wear rate of the conical steel specimens taking into account the temperature and load factors. To determine the parameters of the models wear the samples were tested with variable pad wear in the wear process, that test results of each sample allows to get the data array for wear under different contact loads. Numerical and graphical implementation of simulation results allowed to establish the optimum content of the additive by the criterion of minimum durability.


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How to Cite

Диха, О., Гедзюк, Т., & Стебелецька, Н. (2016). Modeling of wear process of the lubricated tribosystems with copper additive. Problems of Tribology, 79(1), 122–127. Retrieved from


