The internal motion synthesis with the employment of different degrees of freedom on example of collision.
Slashchuk O. O., Zaspa Yu. P. The internal motion synthesis with the employment of different degrees of freedom on example of collision. Collision interaction is an integral part of dynamic friction system where inertial load and unsteady contact reactions are dominate. So, it cannot be seen in terms of a simplified scheme of the law of conservation of mechanical energy. The aim of this work is to establish internal mechanisms of synthesis movement of сollision process during contact interaction. The experimental results show the real time of сollision with two elastic bodies. Results confirmed by three methods where time was identified by math, by electric discharge method and by analysis of sound spectrum. Found that every сollision takes place in several stages. Impact origin is on the verge of roughness of the contacting surfaces. Pre-сollision phase present before сollision and lasts much longer than main сollision. Pre- сollision has based on rotational degrees of freedom. It are more inertia for reciprocating motion. This fairly long period of time of pre-сollision can not be measured by electric discharge method. This can be explained by not destroyed oxide layer of metal balls. By this oxide layer some electric voltage on capacitor does not consumed. The presence of this phase is due not perfect centering сollision which is characteristic of the real engineering systems of contact interaction. Domestic synthesis of movement in dynamic сollision interaction provided by the presence of various degrees of freedom of contacting bodies. Keywords: сollision, сollision time, synthesis of movement, contact interaction.References
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How to Cite
Слащук, О., & Заспа, Ю. (2016). The internal motion synthesis with the employment of different degrees of freedom on example of collision. Problems of Tribology, 80(2), 69–73. Retrieved from