Dykha O.V., Makovkin O.M., Posonsky S.F. Spatial-temporal criteria and ratings of tribo reliability of sliding bearings of transport vehicles.
bearings of sliding, criteria of wear resistance, reliability rating, probability of failure-free operationAbstract
Bearings of sliding require the development of special criteria and materials for assessing their reliability. Under normal conditions of use, the bearings of slip failure are preceded by a long process of cracks and wear. The application of standard bearing criteria for bearings is inadequate and approximate. The design and experimental method of determination of the state, residual resouss, probability of failure-free operation and other parameters of reliability are developed. The method can be useful in design calculations and assessments of the effectiveness of measures to improve the longevity of the bearing slip. Different ways of comparison of numerous variants of reliability of friction units for wear are considered, taking into account scattering of test results. For the case of a normal wear distribution, the problem is reduced to comparing variants for which average wear values and coefficients of variation of scattering wear are given. The proposed method of rating reliability is reduced to comparing the probabilities of exceeding the current depreciation above the allowable in the first stage and comparing the average values with a given probability of excess in the second stage.
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