Influence of the coefficient of mutual overlap on the processes of friction and wear of tribosystems of the car
friction processes, coefficient of overlap, tribometer, wear resistance, car trilogyAbstract
The problem of transient friction processes, which determine reliability and durability of machines in real conditions of operation, is considered in the paper. The theoretical basis of the transitional friction processes in the present formally formed. Therefore, only the methodological side of this problem is considered for solving practical problems. The laws of transient processes are essentially kinetic. For them it is most important to take into account thermodynamic constraints.
Solving the problem of increasing the reliability and durability of steam friction elements of cars requires a systematic approach with the development of comprehensive research techniques, kinetic criteria for evaluating processes. It is shown that the ways of development and research of designing measures on increasing the tribological reliability of these friction pairs are effective.
The necessity of taking into account the influence of the coefficient of mutual overlap on the processes of friction and wear and on the stage of designing and manufacturing of elements of friction pairs of cars, in the choice of optimal friction modes, is substantiated. The efficiency of the designed tribometer and the proposed kinetic criteria for estimating processes in the friction contact zone of friction pairs are confirmed. The proposed parametric model allows to optimize the research process, to develop a complex of technical solutions on the increased durability of friction pairs of cars, to obtain optimal parameters of surface quality, to create a bank of objective tribo technical data for heavy loaded friction pairs.
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