Influence of operating modes on wear of parts made of polymer-composite material
sowing machines, polymer-composite material, slip speed, clearance, tribo technical characteristicsAbstract
It was established that one of the main technological operations in growing any agricultural crop is sowing or planting. It is noted that special requirements apply to sowing machines: full quality assurance of sowing, high reliability, repair in field conditions, a long gap between maintenance of machinery and the like. The purpose of the work is to justify the rational modes of operation of parts made of polymer-composite material. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were performed: to substantiate the regularity of the wear of parts of moving conjugates depending on the conditions of operation and to determine the rational modes of their work. It is proved that the main factors of the operating conditions that affect the tribotechnical characteristics of the mobile connections are the load, the linear speed of sliding and the gap in the joints of the parts. It was revealed that significant influence on the tribotechnical characteristics carries the load on the detachment of three parts while the relative slip speed practically does not affect them. It is established that the size of the gap in the conjugation of parts with a minimum load value does not change the value of wear of parts. The minimum wear value is (6.4 ∙ 10-3 g) with the following operating modes: P = 250 N and v = 0.1 m / s, S = 300 microns. In developing the mathematical model of the influence of operating modes on the amount of wear, they compiled the scheme of planning the experiment in three factors: slip speed, load and gap in conjugation of samples. The obtained regression model allows to optimize the parameters of moving parts of the joints depending on the conditions of their operation
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