Autocorrelation function of model of image of working surfaces of composite cutting plates


  • V.G. Buryak
  • V.V. Buryak
  • L.S. Drapak
  • A.V. Buryak



cutting machining, microstructure of working surfaces of tools, autocorrelation function, acoustic properties of materials, causal relationship, wear


The autocorrelation function of the model of the working surfaces of composite cutting plates is determined. The statistical processing of the microstructure of the working surfaces of the cutting plates on the basis of superhard grains with diffusion coatings has been carried out. According to the results of the research, histograms of the distribution of superhard grains on the working surfaces of the cutting plates were constructed. The efficiency of using the research results is proved, which allows to carry out the appropriate substantiation in the design of optical electronic devices for non-destructive quality control of composite cutting plates and in predicting the structural and energy state of the working surfaces of the plates and ensuring the guaranteed values of the period of stability of the tool. The results of research on the characteristics of the structural and energy state of the working surfaces of the cutting plates after sharpening give grounds to assert about the formation of a stable system of "grain-binder" materials. The obtained research results are the initial data when using the methodology of performance evaluation of cutting tools by analyzing the acoustic characteristics of the energy state of processing and instrumental materials using the differential equation of cause and effect relationship


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How to Cite

Buryak, V., Buryak, V., Drapak, L., & Buryak, A. (2019). Autocorrelation function of model of image of working surfaces of composite cutting plates. Problems of Tribology, 24(1/91), 48–51.


