Formation of the characteristics of the energy state in the local contact of the processing and tool materials in the cutting process


  • V.G. Buryak Khmelnitsky Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • A.V. Buryak Khmelnitskiy National University, Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine
  • V.V. Buryak Khmelnitsky National University, Ukraine



cutting machining, microstructure of working surfaces of tools, autocorrelation function, acoustic properties of materials, causal relationship, wear


The formation of characteristics of the energy state in the local contact of machined and tool materials in the cutting process is performed. The adoption of a model of the choice of unit microniveness in the form of a straight truncated cone is substantiated. The rate of deformation of the machined material on of unit microniveness is determined. The probability of the presence of acoustic oscillation and wave processes that occur in the conventional shear plane during the cutting process is shown. The dependence of the magnitude of unit microniveness area on the roughness parameters is established. Analyzing the dimensions of microniveness, and also taking into account the calculated data of the autocorrelation function of the structural and energy state of the working surfaces of the cutting plates, which in microniveness there is a certain amount of grain of the solid base of the material of the cutting plates. The functional dependences of the conditional number of grains on the size of roughness parameters as well as on the average grain size are established. The obtained research results are the initial data when using the methodology of performance evaluation of cutting tools by analyzing the acoustic characteristics of the energy state of processing and instrumental materials using the differential equation of cause and effect relationship


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How to Cite

Buryak, V., Buryak, A., & Buryak, V. (2019). Formation of the characteristics of the energy state in the local contact of the processing and tool materials in the cutting process. Problems of Tribology, 24(2/92), 42–47.




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