Pilot production development of plate, steel grade EH36 applying thermo-mechanical controlled process at the rolling mill 3600


  • O.H. Kurpe Metinvest holding, LLC, Mariupol, Ukraine
  • V.V. Kukhar Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Mariupol, Ukraine




thermo-mechanical controlled process, hot rolling plate, shipbuilding steel, rolling mill technology


For the first time, technology has been developed, and experimental batch of shipbuilding steel plates (Grade ЕН36, 25 × 2150 × 8000 mm) has been produced according to the requirements of classification societies (Bureau Veritas Rules), at the rolling mill 3600, PJSC “AZOVSTAL IRON & STEEL WORKS”. The technology is developed using general requirements for the manufacture of rolled products with the thermo-mechanical controlled process and mathematical model of the rolling process, on the basis of which the calculations of deformation schedules have been performed. The technical possibility of shipbuilding steel plates (Grade ЕН36, 25 × 2150 × 8000 mm) producing using thermo-mechanical controlled process (TMCP) instead of heat treatment accessing by normalization in accordance with Bureau Veritas Rules has been conformed at the rolling mill 3600. Introduction of the thermo-mechanical controlled process instead of normalization will reduce the production cost of the rolled products by eliminating natural gas consumption for heat treatment (normalization). To prepare the certification, in accordance with Bureau Veritas Rules, it is necessary to conduct an additional series of investigations for the rolled products (Grade EH36) of different thicknesses


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How to Cite

Kurpe, O., & Kukhar, V. (2019). Pilot production development of plate, steel grade EH36 applying thermo-mechanical controlled process at the rolling mill 3600. Problems of Tribology, 24(2/92), 33–41. https://doi.org/10.31891/2079-1372-2019-92-2-33-41




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