Analysis of roller designs for sintering and firing machines


  • O.S. Anishсhenko Pryazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU), Mariupol
  • V.V. Kukhar Pryazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU), Mariupol
  • A.H. Pryisyazhnyi Pryazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU), Mariupol
  • I.V. Takhtamysh Pryazovskyi State Technical University (PSTU), Mariupol



trolley, roller, bearing, seals, clearance, thermal expansion, deflection


The article analyzes the known constructions of roller units of carts for the manufacture of agglomerate and pellets on conveyor lines. The article points out the advantages and disadvantages of roller designs, the lack of standard technical solutions for the design of roller assemblies, as well as reliable methods for calculating their parts for strength and durability. To increase the life of the rollers, the authors, after successful industrial tests, offer innovative technical solutions: seals in the form of stuffing boxes made of expanded graphite fibers reinforced with steel thread; bearing antifriction filler made from polytetrafluoroethylene, carbon fiber and graphite. The article shows that due to axial loads during the operation of the bogies, it is impractical to use ball bearings in the ball, they should be replaced with roller bearings. The authors propose an approximate method for calculating the durability of bearings, which additionally takes into account the elastic deformation of the material of the bogies during their thermal expansion and the gaps in the nodes of the bogies. The authors use the calculation of experimental results on the size of the gaps in the nodes of the bogies, the curvature of the body of the heated bogies on the conveyor line and their movement on three rollers instead of four, take into account the change in the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the bogie depending on the increase in the heating temperature of the case


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How to Cite

Anishсhenko O., Kukhar, V., Pryisyazhnyi, A., & Takhtamysh, I. (2020). Analysis of roller designs for sintering and firing machines. Problems of Tribology, 25(3/97), 32–38.


