The research on the influence of titanium-tantalum-tungsten-cobalt hard alloy on the tribological properties of phenylone C-2


  • A.-M.V. Tomina Dniprovsk State Technical University, Ukraine
  • O.I. Burya Dniprovsk State Technical University, Ukraine
  • Ye.E. Lytvynova Dniprovsk State Technical University, Ukraine
  • V.M. Gavrish Dniprovsk State Technical University, Ukraine



aromatic polyamide, phenylone C-2, hard alloy, carbide, intensity of linear wear, abrasion index, friction coefficient, microhardness


Polymer composite materials based on aromatic polyamides, filled with dispersed fillers (metal powders, graphite, silicon dioxide and titanium, etc.) are some of the most widely used tribotechnical materials for friction nоdes and machinery for automobile and agricultural machinery now. The use of dispersion-hardened polymer composite materials can reduce the cost of manufacturing details at the same time increasing their reliability and working resource. The influence of the content of titanium-tantalum-tungsten-cobalt hard alloy on the tribological properties of composite materials based on phenylone C-2 aromatic polyamide is considered in the article. It has been found that the introduction of titanium-tantalum-tungsten-cobalt hard alloy reduces the intensity of linear wear and abrasion index of phenylone by 35 and 20%, respectively. It has also been found that the effective content of the filler in the polymer binder is 3 mass.%. Taking into account all the above, this material can be recommended for the manufacturing of parts of vehicles, road cars and agricultural machines that operate in aggressive conditions, at elevated temperatures, under the influence of abrasive particles and variable loads


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How to Cite

Tomina, A.-M., Burya, O., Lytvynova, Y., & Gavrish, V. (2020). The research on the influence of titanium-tantalum-tungsten-cobalt hard alloy on the tribological properties of phenylone C-2. Problems of Tribology, 25(2/96), 42–48.


