Management of morphology and structure besieged coatings


  • V.I. Savulyak Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V.Y. Shenfeld Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O.P. Shylina Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • I.V. Vishtak Vinnytsia National Technical University



hardfacing coating, control of structure, austenite, martensite, molten's bath.


The article investigates structure formation during surfacing of high-carbon coatings. The presence of a functional relationship between the lifetime of the weld pool and the formed structures of the deposited metal has been established. To change the time of existence of the weld pool, it is proposed to use a change in the deposition rate, surfacing modes and other factors. For various modes of existence of the weld pool, the presence of structures where the amount of retained austenite varies within wide limits was revealed. The ability to provide the necessary physical, mechanical and tribological properties has been obtained


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How to Cite

Savulyak, V., Shenfeld, V., Shylina, O., & Vishtak, I. (2020). Management of morphology and structure besieged coatings. Problems of Tribology, 25(3/97), 70–73.




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