Influence of high-modulus filler content on critical load on tribocouples made of microheterophase polymer composite materials


  • V.V. Aulin Central Ukrainian National Technical University , Ukraine
  • S.V. Lysenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University , Ukraine
  • A.V. Hrynkiv Central Ukrainian National Technical University , Ukraine
  • O.D. Derkach Dnipro State Agrarian And Economic University, Ukraine
  • D.O. Makarenko Dnipro State Agrarian And Economic University, Ukraine



polymer composite material, microheterophase composite, high modulus filler, triad coupling of parts, critical load, setting, failure


The influence of the content of high-modulus filler on the assessment of the critical load on the conjugation of polymeric composite materials is theoretically substantiated from the tribological point of view. Various cases of destruction of polymeric composite materials are considered. The conditions under which the setting of polymeric composite materials is observed, as well as the conditions of their destruction are formulated. Both viscous and brittle fracture of polymeric composite materials are considered. The main focus is on critical loads and stresses depending on the content of high-modulus filler, taking into account the modulus of elasticity of the polymer matrix and filler and the nature of their destruction


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How to Cite

Aulin, V., Lysenko, S., Hrynkiv, A., Derkach, O., & Makarenko, D. (2022). Influence of high-modulus filler content on critical load on tribocouples made of microheterophase polymer composite materials. Problems of Tribology, 27(2/104), 71–79.


