Determination of the regularity of the rate of wear of the working hydraulic cylinder of the mechanism of the sealing plate of the garbage truck from the pressing force


  • O.V. Bereziuk Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V.I. Savulyak Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V.O. Kharzhevskyi Khmelnitskyi National University
  • A.Ye. Alekseiev Vinnitsa National Technical University



wear, wear resistance, wear rate, hydraulic cylinder, mechanism, sealing plate, garbage truck, pressing force, municipal solid waste, regression analysis


The article is dedicated to the study of the influence of the pressing force on the wear resistance of the working hydraulic cylinder of the mechanism of the sealing plate of the garbage truck. The usage of a mathematical dependencies and appropriate software programs for regression analysis made it possible to determine the exponential regularity of the change in the rate of wear of the working hydraulic cylinder of the mechanism of the sealing plate of the garbage truck depending on the pressing force. A graphical dependence of the change in the rate of wear of the working hydraulic cylinder of the mechanism of the compacting plate of the garbage truck on the pressing force was made up, which confirmed the sufficient convergence of the obtained regularity. Graph of the influence of pressing force on wear rate of working hydraulic cylinder of the mechanism of the compacting plate of the garbage truck demonstrates the expediency of its increase. It was established that for the garbage truck of Ukrainian production of serial model KO-436, the rate of wear of the working hydraulic cylinder of the mechanism of the sealing plate of the garbage truck according to the obtained regularity will be 0.257 μm/h. The expediency of conducting additional studies to determine further ways to increase the wear resistance of the working hydraulic cylinder of the sealing plate mechanism of the garbage truck has been established.


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How to Cite

Bereziuk, O., Savulyak, V., Kharzhevskyi, V., & Alekseiev, A. (2024). Determination of the regularity of the rate of wear of the working hydraulic cylinder of the mechanism of the sealing plate of the garbage truck from the pressing force. Problems of Tribology, 29(1/111), 38–44.




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