Communication physical, mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of processing and cutting materials in machining.
Buryak A.V., Buryak V.G. Communication physical, mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of process-ing and cutting materials in machining. The connection of the physical and mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of machining and tool materials, which determine the performance of cutting tools. The attention given to the wear resistance of tools, which enables to increase the processing performance and is an important condition for automated manufacturing. Keywords: machining, physical, mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of the material causal link wear.References
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8. Spravochnik po fizike dlya injenerov i studentov vuzov. Yavorskii B.M., Detlaf A.A. M.: Nauka, 1964. – 847 s.
2. Buryak A.V., Buryak V.G. Tekhnіchna ocіnka metodiki vikonannya analіzu akustichnih harakteristik energetichnogo stanu іnstrumental'nogo materіalu. Problemi tribologії. 2015. № 3. S. 71 – 77.
3. Promyshlennye deformiruemye, spechennye i litejnye alyuminievye splavy. Al'tman M.B., Ambarcumyan S.M., Aristova N.A. i dr. –M.: Metallurgiya, 1972. 552 s.
4. Gzhirov R.I. Kratkij spravochnik konstruktora: Spravochnik. L.: Mashinostroenie, Leningr. otd-nie, 1983. 464 s., il.
5. [Elektronnij resurs]. Spravochnik (marochnik) stalej i splavov – Rezhim dostupu:
6. Buryak V.G. Ocіnka pracezdatnostі kompozicіjnih іnstrumentіv za analіzom akustichnih harakteristik energetichnogo stanu іnstrumental'nogo materіalu. Vimіryuval'na ta obchislyuval'na tekhnіka v tekhnologіchnih procesah. 1998. №1. S. 49 – 56.
7. Buryak V.G. Teoretichnij analіz kontrolyuyuchih і vimіryuval'nih harakteristik energetichnogo stanu obrobnih і іnstrumental'nih materіalіv u mekhanoobrobcі. Vimіryuval'na ta obchislyuval'na tekhnіka v tekhnologіchnih procesah. 1997. №1. S. 36 – 42.
8. Spravochnik po fizike dlya injenerov i studentov vuzov. Yavorskii B.M., Detlaf A.A. M.: Nauka, 1964. – 847 s.
How to Cite
Буряк, А., & Буряк, В. (2016). Communication physical, mechanical, thermal and acoustic properties of processing and cutting materials in machining. Problems of Tribology, 80(2), 28–33. Retrieved from