Vojtov V.A., Biekirov A.Sh., Voitov A.V. Justification of criteria for estimation of sensitivity and drilling of tribosystems.


  • В. А. Войтов
  • А. Ш. Бекиров
  • А. В. Войтов


tribosystem; modeling; transitional processes; running-in; sensitivity of the tribosystem; trimability of the tribosystem; run-in time.


Based on the analysis of differential equations of transient processes in the tribosystem, the criterion for estimating the sensitivity of tribosystems to changes in external influences in the process of run-in and the criterion of run-in. It is shown that the lower the value of the sensitivity criterion, the more stable the tribosystem to external disturbances and has a shorter run-in time. The ways of reducing the sensitivity criterion are justified, for this it is necessary to increase the tribological properties of the lubricating medium, to reduce the roughness of the friction surfaces, and to reduce the slip speed during overtaking.

The criterion for estimating the workability of tribosystems is substantiated. It is shown that the greater the value of the criterion for the run-in, the shorter the running-in time. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the sliding speed and the initial roughness of the friction surfaces, while increasing the tribological properties of the lubricating medium


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How to Cite

Войтов, В. А., Бекиров, А. Ш., & Войтов, А. В. (2018). Vojtov V.A., Biekirov A.Sh., Voitov A.V. Justification of criteria for estimation of sensitivity and drilling of tribosystems. Problems of Tribology, 89(3), 17–22. Retrieved from https://tribology.khnu.km.ua/index.php/ProbTrib/article/view/676


