Modeling the processes of friction and wear under dynamic influences on the tribosystem


  • A.V. Voitov Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv



tribosystem; dynamic processes; volumetric wear rate; load fluctuations; external influence on the tribosystem; wear rate increase factor, modeling of processes of friction and wear


On the basis of the performed analysis of works devoted to the increase in the wear rate due to the dynamic effect on the tribosystem, expressions were obtained for modeling the processes of friction and wear when changing the external influence. Based on the assumption that the dynamic impact obeys the normal distribution law, the coefficient of variation of the volumetric wear rate. The simulation of the change in the coefficient of variation when changing the load and sliding speed on the tribosystem, as well as the number of steps of changing the load and operating time at each stage.

It was found that in the absence of fluctuations in the load and sliding speed, the coefficient of variation of the volumetric wear rate is 1. With an increase in the value of the standard deviation of the external action and the number of steps of change in the action, the coefficient of variation of the volumetric wear rate increases to values 2,59, those volumetric wear rate increases by 1,125 … 2,59 times. This is confirmed by experimental dependencies. The simulation results are adequate to the experimental results with a confidence level 0,9. Calculated modeling error for each series of experiments, which does not exceed 11,03 %. It was found that when changing the power of the bully tribosystem Wb, which is defined as the product of the load and the sliding speed, the coefficient of variation of the volumetric wear rate increases by 1,25 … 4,68 times. Taking into account the range of changes in the external impact and the operating time at each stage of change in the impact will provide information in the form of a coefficient of increasing the wear rate.


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How to Cite

Voitov, A. (2020). Modeling the processes of friction and wear under dynamic influences on the tribosystem. Problems of Tribology, 25(3/97), 45–49.




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