Parametric identification of the mathematical model of the functioning of tribosystems in the conditions of boundary lubrication


  • A.V. Voitov Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv



tribosystem; mathematical model; differential equations; parametric identification; coefficient of gain; time constant; boundary lubrication; quality factor of the tribosystem; dissipation speed


The parametric identification of the tribosystem as an object of modeling the functioning of tribosystems in the conditions of boundary lubrication is performed in the work. Using the analysis of the dimensions of significant factors, expressions are obtained to calculate the gain and time constants.

It is established that the coefficient  takes into account the degree of influence of the load, sliding speed, tribological characteristics of the lubricating medium on the quality factor of the tribosystem. It is shown that the increase in the coefficient  will have a positive effect on the processes inherent in tribosystems during operation. Coefficient  – characterizes the magnitude of the change in volumetric wear rate and friction coefficient when changing the magnitude of the load, sliding speed, quality factor of the tribosystem. Coefficient  – characterizes the ability of the tribosystem to self-organize when changing the values of the input parameters by rearranging the surface layers of materials from which the triboelements are made during secondary running-in. It is shown that the value of the coefficient is large  will contribute to the rapid change in the roughness of the friction surfaces, the restructuring of the structure of the surface layers, the appearance of oxidizing films on the friction surfaces (secondary structures).

It is proved that the time constant  – this is the time required to change the roughness of the friction surfaces and rearrange the structure of the materials of the surface layers when changing external conditions. Time constant  characterizes the time during which there is a stabilization of the temperature gradient by volume of triboelements, taking into account the thermal conductivity of materials when changing external conditions. Time constant  characterizes the time during which the tribosystem returns to a steady state of operation after the cessation of the outrageous force, or the time to stabilize the parameters in the new mode of operation. It is proved that the value  will be optimal for the process of self-organization. It is shown that one of the factors that can control the value , this is the sliding speed 


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How to Cite

Voitov, A. (2021). Parametric identification of the mathematical model of the functioning of tribosystems in the conditions of boundary lubrication. Problems of Tribology, 26(3/101), 6–14.


