Dynamics of wear and tear of garbage trucks in Khmelnytskyi region


  • O.V. Bereziuk Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V.I. Savulyak Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V.O. Kharzhevskyi




dynamics, garbage truck, wear and tear, municipal solid waste, regression analysis.


The article is dedicated to determining the regularity that describes the dynamics of wear and tear of garbage trucks at the regional level, using the example of the Khmelnytskyi region. During 2015-2020, wear and tear of the fleet of garbage trucks of municipal enterprises of Khmelnytskyi region decreased from 63% to 59%. Using the method of regression analysis, an adequate power law was determined that describes the dynamics of wear and tear of garbage trucks in the region in 2015-2020. To perform the study, the method of regression analysis of the results of one-factor experiments and other paired laws was used by choosing a more adequate type of function from the 16 most common options according to the criterion maximum correlation coefficient. The regression was carried out on the basis of linearizing transformations, which allow reducing the non-linear regularity to a linear one. A graphical dependence describing the dynamics of wear and tear of garbage trucks was constructed, and the sufficient convergence of the obtained regularity was confirmed. According to forecasts the wear and tear of garbage trucks in the Khmelnytskyi region by 2030, at the current rate of decline, will decrease to 51.9%. The expediency of conducting further studies to determine the influence of factors on the dynamics of wear and tear of garbage trucks has been revealed


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How to Cite

Bereziuk, O., Savulyak, V., & Kharzhevskyi, V. (2022). Dynamics of wear and tear of garbage trucks in Khmelnytskyi region. Problems of Tribology, 27(3/105), 70–75. https://doi.org/10.31891/2079-1372-2022-105-3-70-75




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