Dependence of wear of friction pairs of the mechanism for loading solid household waste into a garbage truck on the characteristics of antifriction materials


  • O.V. Bereziuk Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V.I. Savulyak Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V.O. Kharzhevskyi Khmelnytskyi National University
  • O.V. Serdiuk Vinnitsa National Technical University
  • V.Ye. Yavorskyi Vinnitsa National Technical University



wear, friction units, loading mechanism, garbage truck, solid household waste, dependence, experiment planning


The article is dedicated to the establishment a regression dependence of wear of friction units of the mechanism of loading a garbage truck on the properties of antifriction materials. By using a first-order planning of experiment with first-order interaction effects using the Box-Wilson method, an appropriate regularity of wear of friction units of the garbage truck loading mechanism on the properties of antifriction materials has been determined. It is established that, according to the Student's criterion, among the studied factors of influence, the wear of friction units of the garbage truck loading mechanism is most influenced by the pressure in the friction zone, and the least – by the Brinell hardness of the antifriction material. The response surfaces of the objective function – wear of friction units of the garbage truck loading mechanism and their two-dimensional cross-sections in the planes of the influence parameters are shown, which allow to clearly illustrate the specified dependence of this objective function on individual influence parameters. It has been established that an increase in the pressure in the friction zone and sliding speed by 60% leads to an increase in the wear of friction units of the garbage truck loading mechanism during reverse motion by 6.3...34%, depending on the properties of antifriction materials. The expediency of conducting further research to determine ways to further improve the wear resistance of friction units of the mechanism for loading solid household waste into a garbage truck has been shown.


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How to Cite

Bereziuk, O., Savulyak, V., Kharzhevskyi, V., Serdiuk, O., & Yavorskyi, V. (2024). Dependence of wear of friction pairs of the mechanism for loading solid household waste into a garbage truck on the characteristics of antifriction materials. Problems of Tribology, 29(3/113), 24–30.




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