The mechanism of formation of anti-friction coatings by employing friction-mechanical method
antifriction coating, finishing antifriction non-abrasive treatment, friction-mechanical method, for-mation of coatings, the process of micro-cutting, micro reliefAbstract
Different interpretations of the mechanism of formation of antifriction coatings by a friction-mechanical method hinders the widespread use of finishing antifriction non-abrasive treatment in the manufacture and repair of parts. It has been established that at the initial stage, the application of an antifriction coating by a friction-mechanical method will be accompanied by a process of micro-cutting of an antifriction material with its subsequent filling of the micro relief cavities in the form of chips. The fulfillment of the condition of micro-cutting of antifriction material is obligatory for the preparation of anti-friction coatings. A theoretical scheme of the process of micro cutting during the formation of an antifriction coating has been developed. The peculiarities of filling the micro relief cavity with antifriction material have been investigated. Taking into account the studied consistency, a new scheme for the application of anti-friction coatings with high tribological parameters has been proposed.
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