Optimization of the technology for applying discrete coatings in restoration of bronze parts by electrospark alloying


  • E.K. Solovykh Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • I.V. Shepelenko Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • M.I. Chernovol Khmelnitskyi National University
  • S.O. Mahopets Khmelnitskyi National University
  • A.E. Solovuch Central Ukrainian National Technical University
  • S.E. Katerynych Central Ukrainian National Technical University




electrospark alloying, discrete coatings, bronze parts, multicriteria optimization, tribotechnical characteristics, design and technological factors


In this work, a multicriteria optimization of the technology for applying discrete coatings by electrospark alloying in the restoration of bronze parts is carried out. As criteria for optimizing the process of electrospark alloying, tribotechnical characteristics were chosen – the wear intensity and friction coefficient of the coating. As adjustable parameters, those design, technological and operational factors that have the greatest influence on the value of optimization criteria are used: coating material; lubricant; operating current; amplitude of electrode oscillations; sliding speed; specific load. As a result of experimental studies, experimental dependences of wear intensity and friction coefficient for various coating materials, sliding speeds and lubrication conditions were obtained. The use of multicriteria optimization of the electrospark alloying technology made it possible to obtain various alternative coating options and technological parameters of their application for various operating conditions. Of the studied coatings, the most effective is a two-layer coating with the first layer SP-2 and an outer layer of the base material bronze BrAZhMts 10-3-1.5, which is explained by the formation of wear-resistant areas based on Mn and Ni. Multiparametric optimization of the electrospark alloying technology made it possible to reveal a combination of structural and technological factors that ensure the formation of discrete coatings with high operational properties in the restoration of bronze parts.


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How to Cite

Solovykh, E., Shepelenko, I., Chernovol, M., Mahopets, S., Solovuch, A., & Katerynych, S. (2023). Optimization of the technology for applying discrete coatings in restoration of bronze parts by electrospark alloying. Problems of Tribology, 28(1/107), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.31891/2079-1372-2023-107-1-51-58




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